Taking action against hunger and waste

What do we do ?

The Partage food bank collects unsold food, sorts it and then redistributes it to over fifty beneficiary institutions in the canton of Geneva.

Since 2020, due to the economic and social crisis. Partage prepares food bags for the most disadvantaged members of society.

Partage collects unsold goods daily from 90 supermarkets in the canton.

It also sorts and stores the foodstuffs.

Every day, nearly 50 associations and social services benefit from the redistribution of unsold goods by Partage.


biscuits prepared in 2023


kilos of coffee prepared in 2023

Over the years, Partage has developed several projects to recycle unsold goods, from making soup to cookies to roasting green coffee.


biscuits prepared in 2023


bags of dried apples made in 2023


kilos of fruit and vegetables recovered in various forms by 2023


bags of dried apples made in 2023

In the wake of the covid-19 crisis, Partage began preparing food aid bags for people in difficult circumstances in Geneva in 2020.